What are the causes and symptoms of a IIIrd nerve palsy and how is it investigated and treated?
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Some children can be born with a IIIrd nerve palsy but this type of congenital palsy is rare. The vast majority of IIIrd nerve palsies occur in later life.
A IIIrd nerve palsy should be considered to be a medical emergency as it can signal a dangerous swelling of a blood vessel in the brain, called the posterior communicating artery. All patients with a IIIrd nerve palsy should be assessed immediately by a doctor, ideally an ophthalmologist, a neurologist or an Accident and Emergency Physcian. If the patient’s pupil is enlarged and does not constrict when a light is shone in the eye urgent imaging studies to look for a swelling of the artery or other cause of a IIIrd nerve palsy will be arranged as soon as possible.
Once a serious cause for the IIIrd nerve palsy has been ruled out the patient can be seen in the eye clinic where specific tests will be carried out to measure the squint and assess the range of eye movements. Blood tests will also be carried out to investigate other causes of a IIIrd nerve palsy.
Most (80%) microvascular IIIrd palsies will resolve within 3-6 months. However spontaneous recovery is less likely to occur if the IIIrd nerve palsy has been caused by an aneurysm.
Unless there has been some recovery of the eye movements prisms are unlikely to restore an area of single vision.
If the patient still has a sizable squint and troublesome double vision after 6-12 months, surgery can be considered.
Weakening the lateral rectus muscle and strengthening the medial rectus muscle are the mainstays of surgery.
Sometimes the superior oblique muscle can be moved to a new position to help centralise the eye.
Following surgery the eye movements are usually still very limited, but often it is possible to restore a small area of single vision.